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We have a desire to see every believer grow in their relationship with Christ. We believe that one of the ways for this to happen is to come together as one body, hear His word & learn from one another as we grow in faith and draw nearer to God.
Sunday Morning Service
Prayer 9:15 am
Worship begins 10:00 am
Wednesday Night Services
Discipleship Classes
7:00 PM
Adult Youth Kids
Ladybugs meet once a month. All ladies 55+are welcome to join us as we come together and deepen our relationship with Christ and enjoy fellowship.
Children's Church
Childrens Church meets Sunday mornings at 10am
in the Sanctuary for worship and then are released to Kids Church in the Family Life Center
Ladies of Destiny
Women's Ministry
Ladies of Destiny meets once a month. All ladies are welcome to join us as we come together and deepen our relationship with Christ and study God's Word.
Mighty Men of Faith
Men's Ministry that meets quarterly for food, fellowship & bible study
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